Last Sunday as a church each member picked a Fruit of the spirit. We were encouraged to learn more on the Fruit of the spirit that we picked up and above all to pray and try to develop the fruit in our lives. When it came to my turn I picked out Kindness. And here are some things I am learning
What is Kindness
Showing compassion, being generous, being of service, hospitability, giving to those in need, being sensitive to listen and to practically help where help is needed even when the people that need this help are not good to us . It is active goodwill towards others .Wow
In 2Timothy 3:3 we are warned that at the end times people will be without natural affection. However kindness is possible if we will choose to humble ourselves and act when we become aware of the need of anyone in need.
This is a call for us to develop kindness, and we can do it because God has already enabled us by His Spirit.
Kindness ideas
- Holding the door open for someone in the shopping malls or the shop next door
- Giving food or toiletries to the homeless or the street kids
- Babysitting someone else kids
- Easy to forgive especially our members of family when they make mistakes
- Embracing my mistakes Take full responsibility to learn from the mistakes and make amends instead of blaming myself Among others
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